As a parent, you want to provide your children with the best. Unfortunately, giving them the best often requires a lot of money.


The cost of raising a child is not that low. However, it doesn’t cost the love of parents. Be ready to plan for your child’s future and grow her/him with love. The expense gauge starts ticking since we receive the news of pregnancy and it ismuch more when your child is growing up and then enter the school. You’ll want to be sure you have more than enough to cover their expenses. Hence the need to start planning and saving begins immediately!


Before you commit to a plan of action, it’s best to first explore your options

Junior Savings Account

Even with a minimum deposit, junior savings accounts offer higher returns compared to regular savings accounts. Even by committing a minimal amount of your salary each month, you can look forward to reaping significant rewards by the time your child is ready for college.

Spend it right

Wasting your money on unnecessary things won’t cost your efforts, and those things, even expensive, don’t make you rich, but it is just the expense. As parents, you naturally consider your child to your heart.


Remember all the ways you spend your money not only affect yourself, but also your child and family as a whole. Only spend your money right if you think you need to save more for your child’s future.

Invest to grow your money

If you have already tried to save your money, but you estimate that your saving amount doesn’t secure your child’s future, you should pave more ways to earn more. Investing your money within your boundary and limitation won’t be too risky.


Buying properties including house and land is a good investment if you study that their price will be higher in the future. On the other hand, making profit from the rental service such as land, house or car is also another passive income which you can look for. This totally will generate to help build your child’s future.

Get everyone involved!

Saving for your child’s future can be a daunting task but not one you have to tackle alone. In fact, it pays to get creative! Instead of toys for birthdays, request for account deposits. Even small things will earn the much-needed income.


It’s true! With a little diligence, molehills will become mountains! You’ll certainly won’t regret these little sacrifices to paving the way for a bigger, brighter future for your child.


This article is brought to you by CIMB Bank as part of our ongoing efforts to raise the level of financial literacy among Cambodians. Financial knowledge and understanding are key to making well-informed and meaningful financial decisions that will improve all our well-being. This, in turn, achieves CIMB Bank’s purpose of advancing customers and society.