Our Sustainability Mission

At CIMB, sustainability is one of the strategic themes of our FORWARD23+ strategy. This means, we are committed, in intent and by design, to demonstrate sustainability leadership while balancing growth with responsibility.


As a leading focused ASEAN bank, we aim to integrate environmental, economic, and social (EES) considerations into all aspects of our business. We will also invest resources and work with our stakeholders to create net positive impact on society and environment.

Sustainability Roadmap

Advancing Customers and Society

Customers are at the heart of everything we do. We advocate sustainable practices, both for ourselves as an organisation and our customers as we progress forward.

Pillar 1: Sustainable Action

We integrate sustainability principles into our business operations to reduce our negative impact. Activities include the measurement and auditing of energy use and waste disposal. CIMB Cambodia has laid the ground work on internal carbon pricing and has begun the gradual replacement of gasoline cars with EV fleet.

Pillar 2: Sustainable Business

We intent to generate profit in a responsible manner while creating positive impacts through our products and services. In 2024, we are rolling out EV loan, and solar rooftop financing for mortgage clients.

Pillar 3: Corporate Social Responsibility

CIMB Cambodia is involved in diverse Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects ranging from education, healthcare, environment, and social development. We focus on recurring long-term value creation for the affected community.

Pillar 4: Governance and Risk

We evaluate and advocate measures that minimize harm to environment, as well as promote social equality and inclusion including the safeguarding of human rights across our value chain. Sustainability risks are managed through a structured due diligence and escalation process as defined in our Sustainability Policy and Procedure.

Pillar 5: Stakeholder Engagement and Advocacy

Internal stakeholders and clients are engaged through professional trainings, workshops, field trips and conferences to create awareness and build capacity on topics such as climate change, renewal energy, sustainable finance risk management and opportunity.

Sustainability Principles

At CIMB, we embrace our pivotal role in sustainability, understanding that our influence extends beyond our own efforts to empowering our clients and all our stakeholders towards positive change. Our commitment is to lead by example, encouraging practices that reduce harm and enhance wellbeing; this, we believe, is the true essence of creating a net positive impact. Beyond envisioning a better tomorrow, we actively build it, uplifting our customers, communities, and the environment along the way. Together, we are rewriting the narrative for prosperity.
#ThankYouFromTomorrow for joining us in illuminating a sustainable path forward.

The following five principles guide our sustainability efforts:


  • Proactively integrate economic, environmental and social considerations in our business decisions, including financing, investments, and procurement, and in managing our people and operational impacts
  • Recognise and be guided by internationally accepted principles from key organisations to promote responsible business performance
  • Exercise a precautionary approach, taking due care and diligence to evaluate, adopt and advocate measures that will prevent and minimise environmental harm as well as promote social equality and equity
  • Create net positive impact, adopting an inclusive approach to positively influence our business relations in their sustainability performance and taking a holistic approach in striving for a just transition to a greener economy
  • Engage actively and openly with our stakeholders regarding the management of sustainability risk and to identify opportunities for sustainable development

Alignment with UN Sustainable Development Goals

CIMB Cambodia supports the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the definitive UN plan of action for people, planet, and prosperity. We align with CIMB Group’s 7 priority goals out of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) Our efforts contribute to CIMB Group to meet specific targets of the 7 focus areas.

In addition to aligning with UN SDGs, CIMB Cambodia, as an entity of CIMB Group, adopts UNEP FI Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB). CIMB Group is a founding member and the first ASEAN signatory to the PRB’s 6 principles that provide the framework for a sustainable banking system. Learn more about (UNEP FI) Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB).


CIMB Group is the first ASEAN bank to join the NZBA, which is part of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ). The NZBA consists of 142 banks from 44 countries, representing over 41% of global banking assets, that are committed to aligning their investments and financing with Net Zero emissions by 2050. Read more about the NZBA, and our whitepaper “Our Path to Net Zero: Charting a Course to Decarbonisation



Sustainability Reports

CIMB Group discloses our sustainability performance in the annual CIMB Sustainability Report. The integrated report is a consolidation of our sustainability footprint of all CIMB entities across ASEAN, including CIMB Cambodia.

View CIMB Group Sustainability Reports